In the Briefing Room: Nuxeo DM 5.2 and DM Cloud Edition
Content can be a unwieldy beast to tame in any organization. With copious amounts of e-mail messages, files, and other documents being created every day, managing content can seem daunting. With the number of documents that knowledge workers create each day, organizations need to find new and better ways of managing them in order to keep up with the onslaught.
Indeed, there are dozens of vendors who will be happy to offer you their systems to manage all types of content, ranging from large commercial vendors such as IBM, EMC, Open Text, and Autonomy, to completely free open source software options such as Plone or Drupal. Between these extremes, there is a robust and mature selection of commercial open source offerings, providing the benefits of open source software, namely the elimination of an upfront software purchase and access to the source code.
One company in this space is Nuxeo, which offers Nuxeo DM in both on-premises and cloud editions. Nuxeo DM is based on Nuxeo EP, the company’s open-source enterprise content management platform.
At log in, users are presented with a dashboard with modules for tasks, workflows, workspaces, recently published documents, and customizable portlets. Documents can be created with desktop tools such as Word and saved in the system using a plug-in, or knowledge workers can drag and drop documents from the desktop. Documents can also be created within the system using a built-in Notes function that suffices for shorter documents. Workflows can be set up by simply selecting a document, choosing individual users, and assigning actions and due dates. Users are notified through their dashboard portlets of review tasks that await them.
Nuxeo has developed industry-specific solutions for such areas as government and new drug approval management, simplifying what would otherwise be fairly complex processes in those areas. The company also offers consulting, development and customization, and training.
For companies looking for ways of taming their document management problem, commercial open source offerings, such as those Nuxeo represents, are an attractive option and should be looked into alongside more traditional DM options. With the amount of Information Overload that is prevalent, knowledge workers today spend far too much time trying to keep track of content and documents and need all the help they can get.
In addition, stay tuned for our upcoming report, Content Management Systems: The New Math for Selecting Your Platform, an in-depth analysis of over 30 offerings in this space.